There are 5 colonies throughout Ilkeston that provide fun and adventure for boys and girls aged 6 and 7.
During colony time the Beavers work towards activity badges, Challenge badges and the ultimate award – The Chief Scout Bronze award.
The bottom line is that we want to give the Beavers the opportunity to have fun, make friends, try new things, keep the Promise, make progress and share in groups.
Ilkeston also includes the Beavers in several District events, Cross Country, Swimming and Sports day. We also make sure that the Beavers have time together, over the years we have had parties and days at our local campsite where they can take part in all there is to offer there including archery and fire lighting!!
Beavers have been part of the Scouting family for over 20 years, and prove to be a good start to any boy or girls Scouting life!
Once a Beaver reaches their 8th birthday they are ready to join Cubs who will build on the activities that they have taken part in during their time at Beavers.
Beavers are usually ages between six and eight years old, though they can be as young as five and three quarters.
Early entry is at the Beaver Scout leader’s discretion (for example, to allow someone a little younger to join at the same time as their friends).
A group of Beaver Scouts is called a Colony, each Colony can be split up into smaller groups called Lodges.
Once you are invested as a Beaver you can put badges onto your uniform, if your earn all your challenge badges (the hexagonal ones) you can earn your bronze award (the final one).